IPUSP Community – Docentes – Avelino Luiz Rodrigues

  • Professor Ph.D, Department of Clinical Psychology
  • Doctoral Degree in Social Psychology, from the Social Psychology Post-Graduate Program at Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo (1998)

Medical Degree, Psychiatry Specialist – Brazilian Medical Association / Brazilian Psychiatry Association
The Professor has been working for 30 years on research and lecture courses concerning the interaction between Mind-Body and Brain-Mind, on the following fields of study: Psychosomatics and Psychoneurology, which are regarded as fields of study that aim at an interface between Natural Sciences and Human Sciences and seek for the construction of a process that promotes a dialogue between the Health, Biological and Psychological Sciences of Psychodynamic Orientation.

Within this perspective, Psychosomatics is regarded as a field of study which aims at an interface between the Humanistic and the Biological Perspectives. This is an approach which entails the observation and comprehension of the human being via a bio-psycho-social perspective. Amongst its main orientation guidelines is Interdisciplinarity- which is understood as a social process in which the approximation between possible disciplinary frontiers is sought. It aims at establishing a dialogue as well as developing an interdisciplinary language, which must be consensually built by the scientists and the study of the sociopsychosomatic connections between health and illness via a 2-fold vortex: Biology and Biography.

The interventions- research and practices – related to the promotion of health services must be carried out through this perspective. In addition, Psychoneurology (a field focused on the brain/mind interaction) proposes the investigation and intervention on the human being who suffers from lesional, functional or neurological pathologies. This vision implies that the human being is to be regarded as a subject and not only an object of nature. Thus, these pathologies, which are the object of investigation and intervention of this field, must be studied beyond the expression of neurologic deficit symptoms. Therefore, the psychic life of a subject is well considered. This means that the conscious and unconscious psyches are taken into account. In order to apprehend the concept of such an interface, adhering to interdisciplinarity is paramount.

Academic/Professional Background
Undergraduate degree in Medicine – Escola de Ciências Médicas de Volta Redonda (1975), Psychyatry Specialist Degree – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1978) , Psychosomatics Specialist Degree – Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Gastroenterologia (1978) , Doctoral Degree in Psychology (Social Psychology) from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1998) and Specialization in Psychiatry – Hospital Pedro Alcântara (1975) . The Professor is currently a member of the Gastroenterology Institute of São Paulo*( Instituto de Gastroenterologia de São Paulo), holds a private practice, is a member of the Brazilian Psychiatry Association*( Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria), a member of the Brazilian Association of Psychosomatic Medicine* ( Associação Brasileira de Medicina Psicossomática),a member of the Paulista Medical Association *(Associação Paulista de Medicina) and a Faculty Professor at Universidade de São Paulo. The professor holds experience in the Medical field, particularly in Psychiatry and works mainly with the following topics: stress, burn-out, Medicine.