The Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology is constituted, by the Program Coordinator, the Coordination Alternate, and two other accredited teachers as guides in the Program, and their respective alternates, all guiding the Program and linked to the Unit, a student representative and its respective alternate.


Management 08/2022 to 08/2024


Full Members

Prof. Holder Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker – Coordinator
Prof. Holder Isabel Cristina Gomes – Vice-Coordinator
Associate Prof. Andrés Eduardo Aguirre Antúnez
Associate Prof. Daniel Kupermann
Jaquelyne Rosatto Melo – Student Representative (Titular)

Substitute Members

Prof. Holder Maria Lívia Tourinho Moretto
Doctor Prof. Pablo de Carvalho Godoy Castanho
Doctor Prof. Claudia Kami Bastos Oshiro Clemente
Associate Prof. Márcia Helena da Silva Melo
Tahamy Louise Duarte Pereira – Student Representative (Alternate)