
Psicanálise e Antropologia: Édipo e cultura, casal e riso

Curso aberto/disciplina de pós-graduação

02/03/2020 - 04/03/2020 -

Prof. Dr. Éric Smadja

Profa. Dra. Belinda Mandelbaum e Prof. Dr. Daniel Kupermann



O curso visa apresentar a obra do psicanalista francês contemporâneo Éric Smadja, que entretece em suas reflexões Psicanálise, Antropologia, Sociologia e Estudos de família.
The course aims to present the work of the contemporary French psychoanalyst and anthropologist Éric Smadja, which intertwines Psychoanalysis, Anthropology, Sociology and Family Studies.

Trata-se de uma obra que tem lidado interdisciplinarmente com questões contemporâneas relevantes para a Psicologia Social e a Psicologia Clínica, tais como as novas formações familiares e de casais, o humor como experiência humana complexa e as inter-relações entre a Psicanálise e a cultura.

Éric Smadja´s work tackles, in an interdisciplinary way, meaningful contemporary questions in psychosocial and clinical fields, such as the new family and couple arrangements, humour as a complex human experience and the interrelations between Psychoanalysis and culture. 

2/3/2020, das 9h às 12 h
O complexo de Édipo, foco do debate entre Psicanálise e Antropologia, Freud e cultura
The Oedipus complex, focus of the psychoanalysis / anthropology debate, and Freud and culture

3/3/2020, das 9h às 12h
Casais na contemporaneidade: uma abordagem psicanalítica e sociológica; questões contemporâneas: casais homosexuais e extraconjugalidade em abordagem multidimensional; minha concepção do trabalho psicanalítico com casais
Contemporary couples: A psychoanalytic and sociological approach; contemporary issues : homosexual couples and extra conjugality, a multidimensional approach; my conception of the psychoanalytical work with couple

4/3/2020, das 9h às 12h
Riso: um exemplo de complexidade human
Laughter : an example of human complexity

Nota: o curso será em Inglês (com auxílio de tradução quando necessário).

A biographical note
Dr. Eric Smadja is a psychiatrist, a psychoanalyst, a member of the Société psychanalytique de Paris, a guest member of the British Psychoanalytical Society and a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association, a couples psychoanalyst. He works both in Paris and London. He is also an anthropologist, an associate member of the American Anthropological Association and a member of the Society for Psychological Anthropology. In 2007, he was awarded the IPA’s Prize for “Exceptional Contribution made to Psychoanalytical Research”. His works are pluri and interdisciplinary in nature. International lecturer, he is the author of the following books:

  • Laughter (Le Rire) “Que sais-je” series, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, April 1993 (1st ed.), September 2011 (4th ed.); 1st English edition, September 2013 (College Publications, London); and other publications overseas (Spanish, Japanese, Turkish, Chinese, Korean and Ukrainian.
  • The Oedipus Complex, Focus of the Debate between Psychoanalysis and Anthropology (Le complexe d’Œdipe, cristallisateur du débat psychanalyse/anthropologie), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2009. 1st English edition by Routledge, October 2017.
  • The Couple: A Pluridisciplinary Story (Le Couple et son Histoire) Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, March 2011 (1st edition) ; 1st English edition in 2016 (Routledge) ; other publications (Spanish, Korean,  Russian, Romanian and Chinese).
  • Couples in Psychoanalysis (Ed.) (Couples en psychanalyse) (Dir.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, May 2013 ; other publications in Spanish, Italian and Russian in 2018.
  •  Freud and Culture (Freud et la Culture), Paris : Presses Universitaires de France,  September 2013 ; 1st English Edition by Karnac Books and The International Psychoanalytical Association (2015).
  • Contemporary Couples (2016), waiting for a publisher.
  • On Symbolism and Symbolisation (2017) : The Work of Freud, Durkheim and Mauss, (1st English edition by Routledge, 2018).