IPUSP Community – Docentes – José Tolentino Rosa

  • Professor Ph.D –Department of Clinical Psychology
  • Doctoral Degree in Developmental, School and Learning Psychology – IPUSP (1979)
  • Master’s Degree in Developmental, School and Learning Psychology – IPUSP (1976)
  • Psychologist, Psychology Institute, USP (1973)
  • Licensed in Psychology – Education College – USP (1972)
  • Bachelors Degree in Psychology, Psychology Institute, USP (1972)

Investigations in Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis aims at encouraging men to become more humanized by accepting the human suffering that is unavoidable, and to struggle bravely against adverse situations which may have to undergo change in order to mitigate the human suffering. My investigations encompass the theoretical studies of topics such as: metapsychology; the psychoanalytic method; the hurtles and challenges of the clinical practice in the social, institutional and private fields; outlining the interfaces between the psychoanalytic field and other fields; psychoanalytic theory; psychoanalytic psychopathology; the history of psychoanalysis and psychoanalysis on the social field. The investigations also aim at questioning and reflecting upon what sort of action is necessary for a psychologist to meet the needs of the Brazilian population.

I have worked on the Prevention of Mental Disorders with students from the Psychology and Medicine Colleges – notably at the Universidade Metodista de São Bernardo do Campo – using Ryad Simon’s Operationalized Diagnostic Scale, preventive diagnostic methods and brief-psychotherapy operationalized techniques. For many years I have investigated transferencial and countertransferenial phenomenas, particularly with patients who are hard to access and suffer from somatoform disorders (psychosomatic).

Since 1996, I have worked as an academic supervisor for the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Specialist Degree Program (CEPSI) first-year students. This is a Latu-Sensu Post-Graduate Program created and coordinated by Ryad Simon for many years. Twenty faculty members are connected to this program, including USP colleagues and member of the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis in São Paulo*(Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo).

Academic/Professional Background
I am currently a Professor Ph.D at the Department of Psychology – USP. My main area of experience is Psychology, with emphasis in Therapeutic Intervention. I work mainly on the following areas: Psychoanalysis, Health Psychology, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Clinical Psychology and Projective Tests.

Undergraduate Degree in Psychology, Psychology Institute- Universidade de São Paulo (1973); Master’s Degree in Learning, School and Developmental Psychology, Psychology Institute, USP (1976); Doctoral Degree in Developmental, School and Learning Psychology – IPUSP (1979).I was the editor for the Mudanças em Psicologia da Saúde periodical for 15 years at Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (1973-1998), and is the current Executive Secretary for Boletim de Psicologia, an official organ of the São Paulo Psychology Association* (Associação de Psicologia de São Paulo);I am also a member of : the directors board at ABECIPsi – Brazilian Association of Scientific Psychology Editors* (Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos de Psicologia); the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association – São Paulo* (Associação de Psicoterapia Psicanalítica -São Paulo); Division 39– Psychoanalysis – American Psychological Association (2000) and the directors’ board at ABRAP – Brazilian Psychotherapy Association* (Associação Brasileira de Psicoterapia).

I held the position of Professor Ph.D for the Post-Graduate Program in Health Psychology at Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, on the Clinical Psychology field. During this period I published (with the collaboration of colleagues) articles and book chapters on the unconscious fantasies, using the English-School’s (H. Phillipson) object relation techniques. These were years dedicated to the research of Psychoanalytic Psychology and Psychosomatics, as a science which studies intersubjective phenomenas via an object-relation psychoanalytic theory perspective. The scientific findings are a result of the careful observation of clinical facts and their social, moral and ethical implications. One’s personal analysis, theoretical studies and clinical supervision provides the necessary investigative material for scientific publications in Clinical Psychology.

Amongst the Professors awards are: 2006 – the Maurício de Nassau Commendation, in the city of Recife, for the significant services rendered in the qualification of Brazilian Psychologists; 2010 – Rotary Club São Caetano do Sul and Rotary Club São Caetano do Sul-Oeste – Professional Meritorious Recognition Diploma for the services rendered as a Clinical Psychologist (XI Encontro de Valorização das Ocupações Úteis e Fórum de Serviços Profissionais); 2011 – tribute plate from the Psychology Regional Council –SP, for the contributions given to the development of Psychology in the ABC region. This event also held a book release which was coordinated and rendered by the ABC´s Psychology staff: Clínica Psicanalítica de Crianças, by Carlos Blinder, Joseph Knobel-Freud e Maria Luisa Siquier (former-Ocampo), whom are psychoanalysts from Barcelona, Spain.