IPUSP Community – Docentes – Lilian Meyer Frazão

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology
  • Master’s Degree, Psychology Institute, (1983)

1 – New Configurations of the Feminine
Significant changes may be noticed in the contemporary world regarding the gender-based relations as to how masculinity and femininity are being experienced. Given that, it is vital that new theoretical and epistemological perspectives be sought.

Gestalt therapy’s commitment to the “human-being-in-the-world” offers us the necessary grounds for fruitful debate, discussion and the elaboration of investigations which may facilitate the comprehension of the new processes of subjectivation configured in the current gender-based relations.

Selected Publications
FRAZÃO, L.M. E ROCHA, S.L.C.O. (orgs) – Gestalt e Gênero: Configurações do masculino e feminino na contemporaneidade. Livro Pleno, SP, 2005.

FRAZÃO, L.M. – Alienação e Resgate do Feminino. In Frazão, L.M. e Rocha, S.L.C.O. (orgs), Gestalt e Gênero: Configurações do masculino e feminino na contemporaneidade. Livro Pleno, SP, p. 25-34, 2005.

2- Gestalt-therapy and Gestalt-Psychology
Gestalt-therapy is based on some of the basic concepts of Gestalt-Psychology, particularly the new scientific paradigm it proposes. Still, it is necessary to research, differentiate and examine the extension and importance Gestalt-Psychology bears on Gestalt-Therapy (its implications and range of influence).