The student enrolled in the Master or Doctorate may be dismissed from the course in the following cases:

I. if he fails twice in the same discipline or fails in three different disciplines;

II. if you do not enroll regularly in two consecutive schooling periods within the timeframe set in the school calendar set by CoPGr;

III. if he fails for the second time on the qualification examination;

IV. if it does not comply with the activities or requirements within the regimental deadlines;

V. at the request of the interested party.

Sole paragraph – The CCP may establish, in the rules of the Program, criteria for termination based on unsatisfactory academic and scientific performance.

The criteria for dismissal of postgraduate students with unsatisfactory academic and scientific performance include:

1. Failure to comply with the goals and activities established in the schedule of the research project presented by the postgraduate student and accepted by the counselor during the selection process for admission to the Program, as explained in a detailed written report of the supervisor to the CCP.

2. Written opinion of a teacher external to the Program, regarding noncompliance with these goals and activities.

3. On the basis of the report and the opinion, the CCP shall appoint the CPG and the homologation of the disconnection.

The student disconnected without the completion of the Master or Doctorate and that is again selected will have his re-entry considered as a new enrollment.
One of the cases cited in Art. 54 of the USP ‘s Undergraduate Regiment is considered dismissal.

The request for new enrollment must be instructed with the following documents:

I. justification of the interested party;

II. advisor consent;

III. work plan approved by the supervisor;

IV. school history of the old course.

The documentation shall be accompanied by a statement from the CCP, supported by a detailed opinion issued by a rapporteur designated by it and approved by the CPG.

The new enrollment shall be effected by the CPG within a maximum term of one hundred and eighty days counted from the date of re-entry. After this period, the registration can only be effected by the CNR of CoPGr.

The interested party, whose request is approved, will be considered a new student.

Consequently, you must meet all the requirements that the incoming students are subject to and will not be able to take advantage of credits obtained previously.