IPUSP Community – Docentes – Leila Salomão de La Plata Cury Tardivo

  • Associate Professor, Psychology Institute, USP (2004), Department of Clinical Psychology

Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology – IP USP. Disciplines: Atendimento Clínico: O Processo Diagnóstico I e II, Psicologia do Excepcional (Undergraduate Programs); Introdução à Psicopatologia I e II (Undergraduate Programs). The Professor is responsible for the Discipline – O Uso de Técnicas Psicológicas no Estudo dos Aspectos Psicopatológicos e Psicodinâmicos (Post-Graduate Program)

Clinical Interventions at Institutions
As the Coordinator of the Mental Health and Psychology Social Clinic Lab*(Laboratório de Saúde Mental e Psicologia Clínica Social do Departamento de Psicologia Clínica), I’m involved in Projects which are integrated in an attempt to cater for the Human Suffering in a comprehensive, preventive and interventive way, guided by a psychoanalytically-oriented approach. I’ve been the Leader of a CNPq Research Group titled: The Manifestations of The Human Suffering: Evaluation, Comprehension and Other Forms of Intervention ever since I defended my thesis for becoming a Associate Professor in 2004. The thesis title was: Adolescence and Emotional Suffering- Psychological Reflections – Meetings and Trips.

Amongst the projects I have developed is APOIAR, which has several subprojects developed in distinctive institutional contexts, such as Hospital das Clínicas, where treatment is offered to patients with secondary depression.

There is a Project being developed in partnership with ABRELA (Brazilian Association of Lateral Amyotrophic Sclerosis*/ Associação Brasileira de Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica) in which research is being developed within different professional areas (for instance Nursing School students) as well as with home care for patients, in an attempt to provide support to family members and the patients themselves. We also have projects with children and adolescents of underprivileged backgrounds who live in shelters as well as children or women who are victims of Domestic Violence.

We also have been carrying out projects in the Mental Health field. These projects derived from a partnership with the Town-Hall Mental Health Secretariat, and consist of offering identification, prevention and treatment. The Psychopathology internships are part of these projects.

We have a psychology consultation project for the people who seek for assistance at the Services Block* (Bloco de Serviços).The project begins at the Initial Interviews and aims at intervening as early as possible – from the moment the patient seeks for treatment onwards. Therapeutic Workshops are developed afterwards, as per proposed by Brief Psychotherapy and other forms of clinical consultation.

Our Lab also shelters other projects, such as a clinical psychology project with the Brazilian indigenous population. This project started with the population in the Northern region of Brazil (Amazonas). We are developing projects with the Guarani indigenous population, particularly with a segment of this population who suffer from alcoholism and live in our town, in the Parelheiros neighborhood.

We have also been working in partnership with the Department of Phonoaudiology at FMUSP. We intend to study the insertion of the clinical psychologist on the treatment of Deaf patients and their family members. This project has been carried on for many years and the results have been published both in Psychology and Phonoaudiology Projects. An abstract of these projects may be found in:

Tardivo, L.S.P.C; Gil C. A e colaboradores : Anais da Jornada Apoiar:Propostas de Atendimento Laboratório de Saúde Mental e Psicologia Clínica Social Instituto de Psicologia Universidade de São Paulo , São Paulo. São Paulo 29 de novembro de 2003.

Tardivo, L.S.P.C; Gil C. A e colaboradores : Anais da III Jornada Apoiar:Atendimentos Clínicos Diferenciados e Inclusão :O papel da Psicologia Clínica Social, Laboratório de Saúde Mental e Psicologia Clínica Social Instituto de Psicologia Universidade de São Paulo , São Paulo. 02 de dezembro de 2005.

Academic/Professional Background
Post-Graduate Degree in Psychology, Universidade de São Paulo (1977), Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, Universidade de São Paulo (1984) and Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology, Universidade de São Paulo (1992). Faculty Member. Associate Professor since 2004.