IPUSP Community – Docentes – Maria Lúcia de Araújo Andrade
- Professor Ph.D, Department of Clinical Psychology
- Doctoral Degree, Psychology Institute, USP (1994)
- Professor for the Clinical Psychology Post-Graduate Program(IP-USP) and Scientific Academic Supervisor – SuCor Subject and Body Lab
Qualification, Research, Publications and Clinical Consultation
Under the coordination of: Professor Ph.D Avelino Luiz Rodrigues – Psychoneurology, Psychosomatics, Health Promotion.
Scientific Academic Supervisor: Professor Ph.D Maria Lúcia de Araújo Andrade – Subject, Body, Symptom, Institution.
Subject, Body, Sympthom and Institution – Study Group
Professor Ph.D Maria Lúcia de Araújo Andrade
A – Objectives
1 – Researching the necessary epistemological principals to carry out clinical investigations. Such research is carried out via the Lacanian theory and uses the subject as its main scope.
2 – Establishing the different moments of the qualitative research process and the necessary methodological criteria for research on the field to be studied.
3 – Establishing the different moments of quantitative research and its characteriscs, according to the field studied.
4 – Publishing the results of the studies and/or research which have been carried out over the past years by the Lab members.
B – Topics of Research
1 – Genetic Syndromes – particularly the fragile-X* – (Síndromes Genéticas – em especial X-frágil)
2 – Psychoneurological Syndromes* – (Síndromes psiconeurológicas)
3 – Psychosis* – (Psicose)
4 – Psychodeficiencies (autisms, psychomotor disorders, learning disabilities) – *[Pseudodeficiências (autismos, distúrbios psicomotores e dificuldades para aquisição do conhecimento)]
5 –Certain “borderline neurosis”* – (Certas “neuroses limite”)
6 – The correlation between the subject(s) and certain institutional and possible “forms of consultation” in different corporate segments: health, education, third sector, companies* – [A relação do(s) sujeito(s) com determinados sistemas institucionais e possíveis “formas de atendimento” aos diversos segmentos corporativos: saúde, educação, terceiro setor, empresa].
7 – Quantitative Research – Checking the profile of the treated population through the data in the pronctuaries of clinical cases under treatment at the Durval Marcondes School-Clinic between 1985 and 2005 (on the optative disciplines Psicomotricidade II and Terapia Psicomotora I and II).
C – Justification
1 – Since its creation in 1998, the Subject and Body Lab* (Laboratório Sujeito e Corpo) has offered clinical treatment to the community. The service is rendered (under supervision) by members and students of the Specialist Post-Graduate Lato-Sensu Program, “Teoria, Técnicas e Estratégias Especiais em Psicanálise ( Freud – Lacan)”. We regard the essential dialectic movement from the critical praxis to the theoretical foundation and from the theoretical foundation to the clinical praxis as a building block of psychoanalytic knowledge.
2 – Through the reception screenings, consultations and the reports from clients who seek treatment we have been able to find areas of interest in Psychoanalysis which haven’t been thoroughly researched or haven’t been researched at all. These gaps have provoked us, in that they have driven us to verify new theoretical/clinical formulations to cater for the social-cultural Brazilian diversity in the contemporary world.
3 –Some of these areas represent fields of study which have interested the academic community for a long time. Some of them also represent the clinical activities proposed for students. In our perspective, areas such as psychodeficencies, psychosis and “borderline neurosis” have not been thoroughly developed and explored yet.
4 – Other areas, such as the psychoanalytic work applied to genetic syndromes and genetic-syndrome patients, as well as the applied-psychology work rendered at the institutions represent a new and profound interest for the Clinical Psychology Post-Graduate Program. We also want to reassure our ongoing interest in these areas and our ongoing concern with the socio-cultural aspects which are part of any sort of psychic suffering.
D – Procedures
1 – After defining the problem to be researched, one has to find subjects who are interested in being part of the proposed research, who may be:
Those who seek for Psychoanalytic treatment
Genectic syndrome patient , particularly fragile-X
Psychoneurologic syndrome patients
Chronic emotional disorder patients: psychosis, autisms, psychodeficiencies
Psychomotor disorder patients
Those who experience learning disabilities
Organizations which seek for treatment regarding the multiple conflicts between the subject(s) and the institution(s)
2 – There is no age limit for participating on a research. However, underage patients must have parental authorization. Overage patients must sign a term of ethical compliance, stating their consent. Institutions must have the consent of all the participants involved on the research.
3 – The number of subjects to be studied on the qualitative and quantitive research will depend upon the research format.
4 – It is the researcher’s responsibility informing the participants of the research objective, procedures and final goals as well as the importance the patients’ participation bears.
5 – One will be regarded as a researcher only after one demonstrating interest and being selected after an interview.
Eligibility: Stricto-Sensu post-grad students, Members of the Subject and Body Lab * (Laboratório Sujeito e Corpo) or any other professional at Universidade de São Paulo or any other institution that meets the necessary attributions. Also, undergrad students who have undergone the Scientific Initiation Course.
E – Bellow are the services offered by the Subject and Body Lab* (Laboratório Sujeito e Corpo)-SuCor to the general population:
- Psychoanalytic Diagnosis
- Clinical treatment from specialized professionals
- Clinical treatment for all age groups
- Consultation and counseling for family-members and care-givers
- Clarification for specialized professionals such as doctors, phonoaudiologists, professors, psychiatrists and occupational therapists
- Indication and referral to other forms of examination, if necessary
- Transdisciplinary meetings with professionals of similar areas
- The Lab offers possible “forms of consultation” in different corporate segments: health, education, third sector, companies
F – Bellow are the activities offered by the Subject and Body Lab (Laboratório Sujeito e Corpo)-SuCor for the researcher’s qualification
1-Fortnightly study meetings on Saturday mornings, from 9:00 to 12 a.m., in which the articulation between the body of theoretical ideas and practice necessary for the development of work within the Lab’s format are presented
2 – Monthly meetings, on the first Wednesday of each month from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m, in which one of the members of the Lab or an invited guest will present his/her studies and practices for their colleagues appreciation.
3 – The possibility of an interface between different professionals from various similar areas, different sectors from Universidade de São Paulo and other institutions. Thus, promoting transdisciplinarity.
4- Exchanges, agreements and partnerships with other academic and health institutions as well as with different scientific associations such as the Child Institute* (Instituto da Criança)-USP, the Occupational Therapy College* (Faculdade de Terapia Ocupacional)-USP, the Genetic Biology* (Biologia Genética) -USP, the University Hospital (Hospital Universitário) – HU ,the Medicine College* (Faculdade de Medicina) – USP, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association* (Associação de Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica)-Abrela and the São Paulo Pediatrics Society (Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo) -SPSP.
G – Literary Production
1 – The Lab has prioritized the publication of co-authorship papers amongst Undergraduate, Post-Graduate and Extension Programs’ faculty and student body. This possibility frequently results from interdepartmental and/or interinstitutional partnerships.
2 – Considering the Lab’s current structure, it is our belief that a profitable atmosphere is offered for carrying out several publication-oriented projects. We believe that literary publication is paramount for the transmission of knowledge. Thus, we encourage the publication of monographies (Latu-Sensu Courses) which have received an indication from the examination board.