IPUSP Community – Docentes – Sônia Beatriz Meyer
- Professor Ph.D (1988), Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychology Institute, USP
Lines of Research: Clinical Practices – Fundamentals, Procedures and Interlocutions
Project Title: Comportamental Analysis of Psychotherapy Sessions: a Comparison between Data Gathering Methods and Data Categorization* (Análises Comportamentais de Sessões de Psicoterapia: Comparação de métodos de coleta e categorização de dados).
Objective: Developing and evaluating the data-gathering methods and data-analysis of psychotherapy sessions so as to identify the effects which the client –therapist behavior may produce on any of the parts involved (or allowing the identification of other control variables); Thus, providing the necessary means for comparative studies and the standardization of the obtained results.
Methodology: After previous formal consent of participants, the psychotherapy sessions are recorded. Through this material, systems of categorization are developed and employed and with this data which has been systematized within these categories different data analysis attempts are carried out. This includes the frequency and sequence analysis of categories, as well as the different modalities of sequential analysis.
The different methods of data gathering and analysis may vary in dimensions such as:
1. Analyzed Material: some sessions or the entire therapy.
2. Research Outline: descriptive or experimental.
3. Researcher and therapist: the same person or different people.
4. Categories: established formally or afterwards.