IPUSP Community – Docentes – Ana Maria de Barros Aguirre

  • Professor Ph.D, Department of Clinical Psychology
  • Doctoral Degree, Instituto de Psicologia, USP (1995)

Clinical Background and Preventive
My investigation work revolves around preventive clinical intervention and the qualification of Clinical Psychologists. Such work is integrated to the disciplines I lecture at Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Programs; Furthermore, it is developed on three main areas. The first one –Body, Movement and Expression in Clinical Psychology, broadens the knowledge of the body’s psychology, using a psychodynamic foundation. I investigate the body approach (relaxation, body conscience, non-verbal expression) as a therapeutic and self-awareness resource. I also bear in mind the applicability of this approach, its possibilities and limits. The second area refers to the delivery of psychological care in the Health Field. It focuses on psychoprophilatic or preventive aspects, particularly during pregnancy, delivery and puerperium.It is a theoretical and practical investigation of the Psychologist’s work at institutions, taking into account the differences and similarities with the work at the private practice. Amongst the topics studied are: pregnancy psychology, institutional dynamics, job placement, multidisciplinary staff and also research on techniques such as brief psychotherapy, relaxation, group therapy (with parents, expectant mothers, staff). Lastly, the third area has to do with the Qualification of Psychology Students, and focuses on clinical qualification and teaching processes. I’m currently developing a research on students ‘first clinical work experience, which at this time consists of carrying out a pscychodiagnostic procedure.