On an exceptional basis, a student enrolled in a Master’s or Doctorate course may request a lock-in of enrollment with full cessation of school activities, at any stage of the respective course, for a total term not exceeding three hundred and sixty-five days.

The post-graduate student may enjoy, in addition to the lock-up period established by the regiment, one hundred and eighty days of maternity leave.

For the granting of the registration lock, the following requirements must be met:

I. application signed by the student and with the advisor’s detailed opinion, addressed to the CCP, containing the reasons for the request documented, the expected period and start date;

II. the manifestation of the CCP should be sent to the CPG for consideration, which will submit it to the CNR of the CoPGr;

III. registration will not be granted during the period of extension of the term for the
conclusion of the dissertation or thesis, except for cases of serious illness, at the discretion of the CNP of the CoPGr;

IV. the registration lock may be retroactive to the date of the reason for granting it, provided that it is requested and for as long as the reason persists, and provided that it does not cause overlap with enrollment or any other activity performed.