The study plan of the student, in addition to other requirements, will include subjects in the concentration area in which the student is enrolled and, if necessary, complementary areas. It will be up to the counselor, together with the candidate, to establish the study plan, which may involve several Departments, Units or broader areas, as well as Institutions not linked to the University.
Regular student of other “stricto sensu” Graduate Programs, outside the USP or holder of a higher education diploma that does not have a link with “stricto sensu” Graduate Programs, may enroll in discipline as a special student, provided that authorized by the person in charge of the discipline.
The teacher responsible for discipline may authorize, for each class offered, a maximum of four special students without a link.
The special student can take up to two subjects, in a consecutive semester or not, in a similar program or not.

Concentration area
The specific field of knowledge that will be the main objective of studies and research activities of the student.

Complementary Area
Aréa that encompasses disciplines that do not belong to the concentration area, but that are considered necessary for the formation of the student. Thus, the Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology counts on a varied cast of disciplines, in order to assure the flexibility and wide possibility of choice. The disciplines of complementary areas may be chosen among the other Graduate Programs, both those linked to USP and those outside USP.

Course Planning
The counselor, together with the counselor, establishes an individual study program. Thus, the student as soon as he / she enters the Program already has a direct follow-up of his / her supervisor to plan the necessary disciplines and to develop his / her research project that should result in his final dissertation of Master or in his doctoral thesis.

Compulsory Disciplines
Master’s Degree:
– Research Methodology in Clinical Psychology (Lectured on the 1st semester on Wednesdays – 12 weeks)
– Introduction to Post-Graduation: Teaching and Research
Doctorate degree:
– Research Methodology in Clinical Psychology (Lectured on the 1st semester on Wednesdays – 12 weeks)
– Epistemologies in Clinical Psychology (Lectured in the 2nd semester – Wednesdays for 6 weeks)
– Introduction to Post-Graduation: Teaching and Research – 2nd semester – (This course was conceived with the objective of enabling postgraduate students the possibility of a didactic experience through the presentation of their research to undergraduate students of the Institute of Psychology at the University of São Paulo at the University of São Paulo at the University of São Paulo at the University of São Paulo, can give a class, or part of it, with the supervision of its advisor).
– Project Orientation Practices (It is desirable that doctoral students of the Postgraduate Program in Clinical Psychology may have experience of how the process of orientation of Scientific Initiation or Master’s degree occurs. The doctoral student may participate in the orientation process of Scientific Initiation The timetable of these activities will be combined by the two orienting and orienting).

Assessment of Disciplines
The achievement in each discipline will be evaluated at the discretion of each teacher, through tests, seminars, works and projects, as well as the participation and interest shown by the student expressed by the following levels of concept:
A – Excellent, entitled to credit
B – Good, with credit
C – Regular, with right to credit
R – Disapproved, not entitled to credit

The Master, Doctorate or PhD student must have a 75% attendance in the graduate courses.

Other Standards