The program has a scholarship committee composed of permanent faculty and a student representative. At the beginning of each school year, the committee meets to evaluate student projects that are applying scholarship. At the same time, the same committee evaluates the students’ projects seeking renewal of their scholarship. Each project is evaluated on its merits, considering the the definition of its object, the methodological approach adopted, consistency of the work, elegance in writing, references, work schedule and academic performance of the candidate. Some of our students apply for FAPESP for scholarships and most of them have the opportunity of having their research supported by this institution.

The main points considered in the evaluation of the merits of the projects for scholarship, are:

a) the research project, valued for its objective, grounding, methodology, feasibility and relevance of the topic to the area;
5 points
b) quality of writing, clarity of writing with arguments concerning the matter, appropriate language, ordered structure, cohesion and coherence; 5 points
c) the candidate’s potential as a researcher and academic transcripts evaluated by the curriculum (how many articles, full papers, participations in conferences, etc. 10 points